INTRODUCING UNLOCK DATA. DISCOVER CONVENIENCE. BigRep CONNECT is a one-stop platform connecting you with your BigRep printers to boost productivity with remote monitoring and data analytics. Best of all: it's free. GET CONNECTED BOOST PRODUCTIVITY Upload files remotely, preview prints, organize job queues, and view job history. KNOW, DON'T GUESS Review better analytics by analysing printing hours, material usage, and success ratios. 24/7 PEACE OF MIND Remotely monitor printer status, sensor data, and print progress - while receiving status notifications. Already Have An Account? LOG IN NOW! NEXT LEVEL 3D PRINTER MANAGEMENT BigRep CONNECT is a one-stop platform connecting you with your BigRep 3D printers, boosting productivity with remote monitoring and data analytics. It's fully web-based, giving you access no matter where you are or what device you use. Monitor printer status including temperatures, loaded material, and running updates. Print job management lets you upload files, organize your job queue, preview prints, check elapsed and remaining print time, and much more. With team management, you can create user accounts with designated access to printers and custom user rights. 3D printing analytics gives you statistical data - like printer and filament usage - so you can optimize your production to get the most from your BigRep 3D printer. SEE BIGREP CONNECT FOR YOURSELF MONITOR STATUS Check printer status, sensor data, print progress, loaded material, and more. GET NOTIFICATIONS Get instant updates on printer status, file uploads, errors, and more. UPLOAD REMOTELY Remotely upload gcodes to your connected printer to start hassle-free jobs. ORGANIZE JOB QUEUES Keep track of print jobs with organized queues and archived job history. REVIEW STATISTICS Improve print quality, boost production, and reduce downtime with analytics. MANAGE TEAMS Create accounts, manage your team, and set printer access. Latest release: 04.12.23 - Release Notes TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS PREREQUISITES You need a compatible BigRep printer An internet connection The newest HMI/Firmware software installed GETTING STARTED Update Printer Software Request CONNECT Account Pair printer with CONNECT Learn more about BigRep CONNECT’s service description. BigRep Printer Minimum HMI Version Compatible PRO.12.5.0-13826YesPRO.22.5.0-13826YesONE.2-NoONE.31.4.0-220920YesONE.41.4.0-220920YesSTUDIO.1-NoSTUDIO.21.3.0YesVIIO 2501.0.0Yes WE TAKE DATA SECURITY SERIOUSLY See our Terms of Service here. Your data is yours; only you can access it. Your files remain private and protected. BigRep only uses anonymous, aggregated data to improve the printing process. We use top industry-standard encryption, authentication, and authorization. CONNECT YOUR BIGREP PRINTER NOW Get in touch for your free BigRep CONNECT account! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastProfessional Email *Organization *Printer Serial Number *Find the type and serial number of your BigRep product: Depending on the printer, you can find the type and serial number on the back (or on the side) of your BigRep printer or on your invoice. To see an example, please click here. If you are unsure, please contact us.Subscribe to our Newsletterand receive news about 3D printingTerms of Service *I have read and agree to the Terms of Service EmailSEND