We Lifted the BigRep ONE with a 3D Printed Carabiner Michel David, Special Projects Manager at BigRep, had printed a few carabiners at home with his family on their small desktop 3D printer. They’re useful, he said, for hanging things, or for clipping a bicycle helmet to a backpack.
Sleek Automotive Models – 1:4 Car Model Technological developments seem to race by so quickly… But sometimes they become a part of the race. In this case, BigRep technology aided in the creation of a model for a racing car meant to travel at ultimate speeds.
World-first 3D Printed Airless Bicycle Tire We’ve taken to the streets with our latest innovation, and are pleased to present the world’s first 3D-printed, full-scale airless bicycle tire.
BigRep Defies Conventions with Custom Wheel Rims The wheels are always in motion here at BigRep, to consistently dream up objects that push the boundaries of design for 3D printing.
BigRep Innovation Award Winner Announced Quebec City architecture student Sandrine Héroux, from the Université Laval, has been announced as the winner of the inaugural BigRep Innovation Award, including a $3,000 cash prize and her design printed on the BigRep ONE 3D printer.
Bionic Propeller: Nature inspiring innovation Over millions of years, species of plants and animals have evolved to survive the elements, fly higher, run faster, grow taller, protect themselves when vulnerable. The lessons we learn from nature can often be applied in designing industrial objects.
Shifting gear into 3D print mode: How Paravan cut production costs by 75% with the BigRep ONE Paravan is a leading international provider of vehicle adaptations for people with a disability or special needs. With their personalized, road-approved, safety-related industrial applications, Paravan doesn’t just deliver car parts from its industrial mobility park in Germany – they offer mobile freedom to those who need it most. Download our new e-book on the Paravan use case for free.
Fusing Creativity & Technology for Innovation Some say working in the tech sector doesn’t leave much room for creativity. I beg to differ, and so do most others when they see what my team and I do every day at the intersection of creative and technology.
“I raced Amazon Prime, and won.” – The fast-print wonder that is the ‘Kinky Korb’ There are few phenomena quite like the online shopping empire Amazon. The giant online shop offers same-day delivery in Germany and other countries, which many would agree cannot be beaten.
3D printing applied to Cultural Heritage: sculpture from Sergei Merkurov We are proud at BigRep to participate to the celebration and preservation of Russian cultural heritage.