Magigoo Glue Stick Magigoo Glue Stick – Smart 3D printing first-layer adhesive Shop Global Shop US & Canada Magigoo Glue Stick – Smart 3D printing first-layer adhesive Shop Global Shop US & Canada Magigoo Glue Stick is a smart first-layer adhesive which reduces 3D print detachment and warping problems. Especially designed for large-format, heated bed FFF industrial 3d Printers, Magigoo ensures that your prints stay firmly in place on the bed during printing to give you the best quality results. Magigoo has been cleverly designed to stick when the print bed is hot and to release when it cools down making for easy print removal. Easy to use, you simply apply a thin layer covering your active print area and Magigoo does the rest. Its solvent-free, environmentally-friendly formula means it is also easy to ship, safe to work with, and requires only a damp cloth for removal from the print bed. Highlights Ensures prints stay in place on the print bed reducing print detachment and warping Releases from print bed as it cools for easy print removal Easy to apply and easy to clean Odorless, solvent-free and environmentally-friendly For Best Results Magigoo is recommended for use with the following BigRep filaments: PLA, PRO HS, PRO HT, PVA Use the same print bed temperature with Magigoo as we normally recommend for the BigRep filament you are using Magigoo works best if applied to a cold print bed, however it will work applied to an already-heated bed Shop Global Shop US & Canada